
March 8, 2017    
12:00 am

On 8-03-2017 (International Women’s Day) an awareness talk on Organ Donation was held at Rajasthan Police Academy, Panipech, Jaipur by MFJCF-Navjeevan in the ​open air theater of Academy. More than 400 Police Trainee and Personnel attended the program.

Mr. Rajiv Dasod, Director, Rajasthan Police Academy welcomed Navjeevan Group member and appreciate the work done by the team efforts.

Captain Amarjeet Sangwan, Govind Gurbani, Prabodh Chand Jain and Roshan Bahadur represented the  Navjeevan Team.

Navjeevan spokesperson Dr. Anita Hada Sangwan gave vital information about Brain Death and Organ Donation which was highly appreciated by the audience.

After the talk some questions were asked like

1.       What is the Minimum and Maximum age to be an Organ Donor?

2.       Does  every ​Religion promote Organ Donation?

3.       How can we become an Organ Donor?

All the satisfactory answers were given by the spokesperson.  100 people took the donor card and promised to convey the message of Organ Donation among friends and family.

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