
January 9, 2017    
12:00 am

MFJCF- Navjeevan Team conducted an awareness talk on organ donation at Punjab National Bank, Farmers Training College, Nimrana, Alwar. The p​lace was 160 KM. away from the Jaipur where f​armers are trained. More than 75 people attended the session conducted on 9-01-2017


Mr. Prabodh Chand Jain and Roshan Bahadur were the members from the Navjeevan team. Mr. M.L Sharma, Director, Punjab National Bank, Farmers Training College, Nimarana welcomed Navjeevan team Members and praised their work for organ donation.


Navjeevan Spokesperson Mr. Prabodh Chand Jain gave an effective PowerPoint presentation on organ donation and brain death which was highly appreciated by the audience.  After the talk audience asked questions like


Does Organ Donation happen when somebody is a​live?


Is there Age define for Organ Donation?


​I​f anybody needs Organ Transplantation what he should do?


​The speaker answered these queries​


After the talk people came ahead and got the photographs clicked with Message Board “I SUPPORT ORGAN DONATION” and took the donor cards and Navjeevan Times (Monthly News Paper on Organ Donation).

​100 Number of people pledged for organ donation.

​The audience promised to join hands with Navjeevan team to spread Awareness about organ donation.


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