
December 6, 2017    
12:00 am

Goner Panchayat hosted an awareness talk on organ donation on 6th December 2017. It was conducted by MFJCF- Navjeevan team. The aim was to create awareness about the noble cause among the people of the village. Mr. P.C. Jain represented the MFJCF team.

Ms. Sunita Sharma (Sarpanch) and Mr. Naval Kishore Sharma (Gram Sevak) along with 40 villagers and 40 students of class 12th attended the session and thanked Navjeevan team for conducting such an awareness talk at the Panchayat Level.

MFJCF Members put light on the need of organs and brain death with the help of a presentation. During the presentation, some questions were asked and answered by MFJCF Members.

  1. What if I have pledged to donate my organs but after death, my family denies for organ donation?
  2. Who will bear all the expenses of treatment?

After the session, 30 villagers took donor cards and promised to spread awareness for organ donation amongst friends and family members.

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