
January 17, 2020    
12:00 am

On January 17, 2020, the Navjeevan team of MOHAN Foundation Jaipur Citizen Forum (MFJCF) put up an awareness stall on organ donation at Hotel Clarks Amer, a 5-star hotel in Jaipur. Members of MFJCF sensitized visitors about organ donation.

The following points were explained to the visitors:

  • Organ donation types and who can be a donor
  • Difference between natural death and brain death
  • Donation in case of natural death and brain death
  • Importance of the donor card
  • How to register at MOHAN Foundation to be an organ donor


All the visitors were motivated to support organ donation. They also expressed their wish to share the message with their families.


MFJCF is thankful for the opportunity.

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