
December 21, 2021    
12:00 am

On 21st December 2021, a “Gift a Life” event was organized by Scholars Mission for Life,  in association with Rotary Club Vasudha and Happy Home Schooling Udaipur. Highlighting the importance of organ donation in this program, Dr. Sushma Arora, President of Rotary Club Vasudha and Organ Donation Ambassador explained how 8 people can get a new life by kind act of one person. She also gave detailed information about the legal aspects of organ donation.

President of Scholar’s Mission for Life, Mr. Kundan G. Bhatevara  gave information about the facilities for organ donation and transplantation available in Udaipur. Mr. Sunil Pamecha and Ms. Rekha Jeenagar from RNT Medical College explained in detail about eye donation and  body donation. The Club Secretary Ms. Garima Bordia thanked everyone and Mr. Gopal Amet delivered the concluding address. The entire staff of the school was present in the program.

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