Islam and Organ Donation

•The fundamental purposes of Islamic law is the preservation of life. Allah greatly rewards those who save the life of others. •Organ donation must be given freely without reward, trading in organs is prohibited       This is supported by Muslim scholars from some of the most prestigious academies of the Muslim world who call upon […]

Hinduism and Organ Donation

Of  all the things that it is possible to donate, to donate your own body is infinitely more worthwhile.” anyani samyati navandi dehi.” giving up the old and useless ones. (Charaka and Sushruta Samhita) “Organ donation is in keeping with Hindu beliefs as it can help to save the life of others.”  (The Late Mr […]

Organ Donor logo on Driving License

MFJCF has also started an initiative to create awareness regarding Organ Donation through Driving License. This initiative was started in 2018 in Rajasthan with the great support of  Transport Minister of India, Mr. Nitin Gadkari and Government of Rajasthan. Under this initiative, a compulsory question on Organ donation has been added in the Driving License […]

Angdata Tiraha

Angdata Tiraha is an another feather in the cap of MFJCF and Rajasthan. It is a beautiful statue in Jaipur which is built in the memory of beloved donors of Rajasthan as a token of love and gratitude to them. It got sanctioned by Government of Rajasthan in 2019. We are grateful to Government of […]

Transplant Institute in Rajasthan

Transplant Institute in Rajasthan was the dream project of MFJCF. This dream project got its wings when it got sanctioned by the Central Government and was initiated by the great efforts of Government of Rajasthan in the year 2018. It is a 7 storey Transplant Institute which costs 200Cr. All type of organ transplants will […]