
July 25, 2022    
2:00 pm

On 25th July 2022, MFJCF visited the Regional Transport Office, Jhalana Doongri. The visit aimed to sensitize the staff and agents regarding Organ Donation.

Mr. Shankar Gujjar visited counters of RTO Agents and informed them about the provision of adding an Organ Donor Logo on their driving license and how the agents can motivate the applicants to say yes to organ donation while applying for DL. The team talked about the following:

  1. What is Organ Donation?
  2. What organs can be donated
  3. Current status of Organ Donations in India
  4. Provision of Pledging for Organ Donation via DL
  5. Role of RTO Agents in spreading awareness for the cause.

The team visited 10 RTO Agents. Afterward, the agents were highly motivated and vowed to ask for Saying Yes to Organ Donation from every applicant.

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