
August 21, 2017    
12:00 am

A true wanderer always roams far and wide to find something new and amazing.

Mr. Lourde Vijay, a kidney recipient and his team members are on India tour with target to achieve 9400 Km in 39 days for the awareness of Organ Donation and 50 thousand pledges​


Mr. Lourde Vijay is a professional dancer/Choreographer in entertainment industry for over 18 years and a Guinness World Record laureate. ​Nearly  3 years ago he was on the waiting list of kidney at Bengaluru hospital due to renal disease and he got the transplant last year through the cadaveric organ donation program.

​On his 5th day of tour (21.08.2017) MFJCF- Navjeevan team members met with Mr. Lourde and his team at 66 Residency Hotel and appreciated their efforts for the noble cause.


Mr. Prajesh Taneja, Mr. Anil Kumar Baxi, Mr. P.C. Jain, Dr. Amla Batra, Mrs. Renu Uba, Mr. Ravi Kamra, Mr. Pawan Kumar Dubey & Mr. Roshan Bahadur represented the MFJCF- Navjeevan team.


During the conversation with MFJCF team members Mr. Lourde said that “I was a kidney recipient that time and almost waited for 2.5 years, I am eternally ​ thankful to Donor Family and now it’s time to payback, I am not a trained counselor but during our journey I will motivate the people to donate organs after death”


Mr. Lourde also praised for MFJCF- Navjeevan efforts and promised to conduct mutual awareness activity in future and posed with message board “I SUPPORT ORGAN DONATION” with MFJCF team members.

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