Awareness drive at Vaishya Mahila Samaj Exhibition, Janta Colony, Jaipur

MFJCF set an informaton desk to promote the cause of Organ Donation at Vaishya Mahila Samaj Exhibition, Janta Colony, Jaipur on 6th August,2023 from 11 AM to 7PM. MFJCF members made people aware about organ donation, its importance. Members also requested everyone to save the organ donation toll free number 1800-103-7100 in their mobiles. There […]

Awareness Talk on Organ Donation at Airforce Station

MFJCF conducted awareness sessions on Organ Donation at Airforce Station, Jaipur on 8th August,2023. Speaker made students aware about organ donation through an interactive talk.It was a 1-hour session which was attended by 50 trainees. It was an interactive session in which students asked their queries regarding organ donation. Everyone was asked to save the organ donation toll […]

Awareness Talk on Organ Donation at Upchaar Nusing College

MFJCF conducted awareness sessions on Organ Donation at Upchaar Nursing College, Jaipur on 7th August,2023. Speaker made students aware about organ donation through an interactive talk.It was a 1-hour session which was attended by 60 trainees. It was an interactive session in which students asked their queries regarding organ donation. Everyone was asked to save the organ donation […]

Awareness drive at Central Park, Jaipur

MFJCF in collaboration with Rotary Club Jaipur Pearl promoted the cause of Organ Donation at City Park,Mansarovar,Jaipur on 13th August,2023 from 6 AM to 8AM. The initiative was led by Rotary club and MFJCF members, who made people aware about what is organ donation, its importance. Members also requested everyone to save the organ donation […]

AIR Talk on organ donation and transplant with Dr. Rakesh Jain

MOHAN Foundation Jaipur Citizen Forum and SBI sponsored a program on organ donation and transplant was broadcast on 101.2 AIR. AIR has almost 5000 live listeners via its mobile app, and via radio, it covers 70% area of Rajasthan accounting for more than 50,000 live listeners. The broadcast was on 28th july,2023 at 9:15 am till […]

Awareness Talk of Organ Donation at the Suresh Gyan Vihar University

  MFJCF conducted awareness sessions of Organ Donation at the Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur on 5th August,2023. Speaker made students aware about organ donation through an interactive talk. It was a 1-hour session which was attended by 40 trainees.It was an interactive session in which students asked their queries regarding organ donation. Everyone was […]

Awareness Talk of Organ Donation at the Redcross Society

MFJCF conducted awareness sessions of Organ Donation at the Redcross Society, Jaipur on 4th August,2023. Speaker made students aware about organ donation through an interactive talk. It was a 1-hour session which was attended by 30 trainees.It was an interactive session in which students asked their queries regarding organ donation.Everyone was asked to save the […]

Awareness Talk of Organ Donation at the Redcross Society

MFJCF conducted awareness sessions of Organ Donation at the Redcross Society, Jaipur on 22th August,2023. Kamla Chaudhary made students aware about organ donation through an interactive talk.It was a 1-hour session which was attended by 50 trainees.It was an interactive session in which students asked their queries regarding organ donation.Everyone was asked to save the organ […]

Buddhism and Organ Donation

“Organ Donation is one of the greatest acts of compassion, the ultimate final act for an individual at the end of one’s life.” (Master Cheng Yen, founder of Taiwan Buddhist Tzu chi Foundation) (Source:


“I hope that Christian people will seriously and positively consider Organ Donation. The ready willingness to donate an organ is a clear sign of that sacrificial self-giving for others patterned by Jesus Christ.” (David Ebor, Archbishop of New York) (Source: